Family Law Case Management

Administrative Office of the Courts staff, utilizing Differentiated Case Management principles, evaluate and manage cases to allow for efficient and effective flow through the family law process. The Differentiated Case Management process places cases on a track based upon complexity and significant case circumstances. The program works with unrepresented parties, as well as those with attorneys, in the processing and movement of documents and case related issues.

Family Court Services (FCS)-Family Court Services provides assistance to self-represented parties filing family law cases (Dissolution of Marriage, Paternity, Custody, etc.) Staff provide guidance on court processes and procedures, Florida Supreme Court forms, local court forms and statutory information. Intake staff meet with filers, answer questions and open cases. Additionally, FCS provides case management services to all parties and attorneys during the progression of their cases through the court system. Case Managers conduct case management conferences, monitor filings within cases for compliance with judicial directives, timeliness of filings and completeness of filings. Case Managers work closely with judges, magistrates and mediation staff to facilitate efficient case processing and ensure that resolution occurs in a timely manner consistent with established Florida Supreme Court standards.

Family Court Services Program Coordinator:
Jennifer Savage-Ingole (239) 533-8456

Family Law Judges
Family Law Case Managers
Honorable Elisabeth Adams
Anne: (239) 533-8407
Erica: (239) 533-2536
Honorable John Carlin
Beth: (239) 533-2871
Cassidy: (239) 533-9134
Honorable Amy Hawthorne
Courtney: (239) 533-2822
Myron: (239) 533-8211
Honorable Trent Reichling
Lucinda: (239) 533-2500
Andrea: (239) 533-8485
Honorable Carolyn Swift
Ivelisse (239) 533-9140
Tina: (239) 533-8248

In an effort to provide a Uniform Family Court System for all in the 20th Judicial Circuit of Florida, the following changes have been implemented in Lee County for Family Law cases:

  • Family Court Services will conduct Case Management Conferences every Thursday morning for Family Law cases in the Lee County Justice Center.
  • Family Law Attorneys and/or self-represented parties are encouraged to bring their calendars to the Case Management Conferences so that coordination of future court dates and/or mediation can be made.
  • Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) with or without minor children/ property
  • Child support
  • Child Visitation
  • Response to Petitions
  • Paternity
  • Child Custody
  • Child Name Changes
  • Motions

Family court forms packets are available for all of the above areas in the Family Court Office or you can download individual forms you need at either of the following websites:
Florida State Courts Family Court Forms

"Parent Education and Family Stabilization Course" is required for all parties in a paternity case or dissolution of marriage case in which there are children. Click below to see a list of courses in the state of Florida approved by the Department of Children and Families for this purpose. Scroll down to the 20th Judicial Circuit to see the courses available in our area with a link to the website for course signup.

In order to provide a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process, a parenting coordinator assists the parents in making a parenting plan by facilitating the resolution of disputes between the parents by: [1] providing education, [2] making recommendations, and [3] making limited decisions within the scope of the court's order and parents' prior approval. The Parenting Coordinator Application Form and Training Standards may be found here: Parenting Coordinator Application Form and Training Standards

In Charlotte County, the Family Law Case Management Team provides case management for the court regarding dissolution of marriage and paternity cases, including supplemental petitions. The role of the case manager is to ensure that cases move quickly and efficiently to a final disposition while providing pro se litigants with the resources they need to proceed in their cases. Case Managers cannot provide legal advice, however can provide free notarization of pro se paperwork and copies. Case Managers conduct case management conferences, monitor filings within cases for compliance with judicial directives, timeliness of filings and completeness of filings. The case managers work closely with the Family Division Judge, Magistrate and mediation staff to facilitate efficient case processing and ensure that resolution occurs in a timely manner.

Family Law Judges
Honorable Mary Evans
Judicial Assistant- Amanda
(941) 833-3033
Robert Koch
Magistrate Assistant- Kristy
(941) 637-2213
Case Managers

The Self Help Program for Charlotte County is located in Punta Gorda in the Charlotte County Justice Center.
350 E. Marion Ave. 2nd Fl
Punta Gorda, FL 33950

  •  Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30am - 5pm
  •  Phone: (941) 637-2284

In Collier County there are three Circuit Judges assigned to the Family Bench. One Judge handles Dependency, Delinquency and any Family cross-over cases – those cases with the same participants in a Dependency or delinquency action, in keeping with the Unified Family Court concept. Two Judges preside over all remaining Family matters. All three Judges rely on their individual Case Managers to initiate, monitor and follow case progression through to conclusion. Eligible Dissolution, all Paternity and requested Supplemental Petitions receive Case Management Orders to appear for a Case Management Conference before the assigned Judge, Magistrate or Case Manager. Dates for submission of all required documents not yet filed, coordinated Court Mediation dates or Private Mediation deadlines, as well as placement on a Pre-Trial Docket or a Final Hearing date are determined and subsequently ordered, recommended by order or directed during the conference. All dissolution of marriage cases whether resolved when filed or via mediation or trial are required to appear for a Final Hearing during which testimony is taken before a Judge or Magistrate, the Final Judgment is signed and copies are issued to the parties. Case Managers are available to speak telephonically with the unrepresented parties named in the action or a retained attorney attached to the case regarding requirements and proceedings, however, specific legal questions cannot be addressed. Contact information for the Case Manager appears below.

Unified Family Court Judiciary
Family Case Managers
Honorable Christopher H. Brown,
Family & Domestic Violence
Carol Shepelrich: (239) 252-6280
Honorable Russell T. Kirshy,
Family & Domestic Violence
Nicole Rojas: (239) 252-8675
Honorable Elizabeth Krier,
Dependency/Delinquency &
Crossover Related cases in
Family & Domestic Violence
Sherlie Pierre: (239) 252-2740

  •  Mon. - Fri. 8:30am - 5pm

The Family Law Case Management Program assists the Circuit Court Judge Darrell R. Hill by case managing and hearing family law cases utilizing a Magistrate. The Magistrate hears all cases pertaining to Dissolutions of Marriage, Name Changes, and Paternity. The Assistant to the Magistrate reviews each newly filed case and determines if additional documentation is needed. On average every case is set for a case management conference 90 days from the date a petition is filed. The Assistant to the Magistrate also provides self-help resources to pro-se litigants to assist in bring a resolution in their case. The program is able to assist with access to the legal system, guidance, and understanding of court procedures, and distribution of family law forms approved by the Supreme Court of Florida. The program manages approximately 200 cases at any given time. This number does not include Department of Revenue Child Support Cases.

Please be advised that the Hendry County Family Law Program does not represent you in your case and cannot give legal advice regarding your case. Below please find additional avenues to find legal representation if desired.


Magistrate and Senior Judge's Office
25 E. Hickpochee Ave.
LaBelle, Florida 33935

Nancy Owens
Assistant to the Magistrate and Senior Judges
(863) 612-4714

Legal Aid: FRLS: (239) 334-4554
Florida Bar Attorney Referral: (800) 342-8011
Hendry Clerk of Court Civil/Hendry: (863) 675-5261