The Honorable Elisabeth Adams
Circuit Judge
Administrative Judge for the Circuit Family Division
Division Lee County
Domestic Relations - "C" | 20% |
Judicial Assistant Anne
Phone (239) 533-8407
Mailing Address
Lee County Justice Center
1700 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901
(REVISED March 2024)
- We do not accept pleadings or correspondence by email.
- All proceedings one hour or less will be held electronically by Zoom video through Courtscribes, except for hearings based on allegations of domestic violence/stalking which will be held in person in courtroom 5D.
- All Domestic Violence matters must be coordinated through the Domestic Violence office and not through this office.
- To schedule a hearing other than Domestic Violence hearings, you must file a motion and then contact the Judge’s office via email (adamshearings@ca.cjis20.org) to obtain hearing dates/times. Please copy the opposing side in all emails to the Court. Your hearing is not set until you confirm it with the Judge’s office. The Court does not accept any other emails other than hearing requests. Any other communication will not be reviewed.
After your hearing is set or upon receipt of the Notice of Hearing, contact Courtscribes if the hearing is virtual to arrange for your appearance at least 72 hours in advance of the proceeding via the following procedure:
Go to: http://scheduling.courtscribes.comFor virtual hearing, create an account using the “Sign up” button on the top right. Fill out all the necessary information and return to the homepage to “Schedule Now” and input the following information:
Case Number
Case Name
Select a state
Select Judge
Participant(s) Appearing
Party Representing
Select Party Representing
Type of HearingOnce you have entered the above, continue the process and you will receive the zoom link. An email will also be sent to the email address you used to create your profile. Any questions, please contact CourtScribes at (833) 727-4237 Ext. 1. There is no charge for this service.
- Please include the aforementioned full procedure information for Courtscribes in any of your hearing or trial notices.
- All orders and judgments for the Court’s entry must be submitted via the E-Portal, hand delivery or US mail. If hand delivery or US mail, it must be submitted with conforming copies and self- addressed stamped envelopes. No emailed orders/judgments will be accepted unless pre-approved by the Court.
- All virtual Court proceedings will be conducted as if they were being held in the courtroom and all Rules of Procedure must be followed.
- Please do not interrupt while someone else is speaking. The only time interruption is permissible is for a legal objection.
- Please note that speaking objections will not be permitted.
- When someone else is speaking, you will be expected to mute your connection. Please note that all outside noises can be heard during these proceedings and should be minimized.
- Witnesses should be excluded from hearing any other person's testimony until they are done testifying.
- During said proceeding, no one other than the parties or the witnesses should be in the room with the participant except legal counsel.
- If possible, children should be out of the home where the virtual participant is located and under no circumstances should they be in the same room or within ear shot of said proceeding.
- It is the Court’s preference that if there are children in the residence, headphones should be used to avoid the possibility of the children accidentally overhearing the proceeding.
- If witness sequestration is requested, please notify Courtscribes at your initial contact with them and also when you log in for your court appearance.
- If requested, the parties may have the proceeding legally recorded through a Court reporter or Courtscribes at their own expense. The party must arrange that on their own.
- Under no circumstances, other than court reporting services, are these proceedings to be recorded, taped, copied or otherwise utilized or distributed in any fashion, including but not limited to, any social media. Said recording is illegal.
- The Court shall impose sanctions if said rule is violated.
- Parties are to e-file all exhibits in the Court file at least 72 hours before proceedings.
- A copy of said exhibits are to be delivered or mailed directly to the Judge’s office no later than 48 hours prior to the proceeding.
- Said exhibits are to be delivered to the Judge’s office in hard copy. No electronic deliveries will be accepted by the Judge’s office.
- Any exhibits should have a cover page, an exhibit index and all exhibits should be numbered in accordance with the index.
- If a witness will need to review an exhibit at a Zoom proceeding, be prepared to send the exhibit electronically to them at the time of their testimony.
- All requests for emergency or expedited hearings must be submitted to Judge Adams either by US mail or hand delivery for the Court’s determination as to how the motion should be set. We do not accept pleadings or correspondence by email.
- To ensure a quick response to your proposed Orders/Judgments in the E-Portal, make sure that in each case, you have included all parties with their email addresses in the e-portal list.
- When submitting Orders or Final Judgments through the e-portal, ALWAYS submit a cover letter (with any attachments, i.e. stipulations and/or motions concerning the order/judgment) and separately send the Order/Judgment. For each submission, use the Case Style and Case No. as well as indicating whether it is a cover letter, order or judgment.
- Submit all Orders and Judgments with a complete Certificate of Service. It is recommended that you use all email addresses, however, if you do not have an email address, include the full physical address including zip code in the Certificate of Service.
- If a hearing or trial has been held regarding the Order/Judgment, please include that fact and the hearing/trial date in the cover letter.
- Make sure each cover letter and order/judgment has a case number. If it does not have a case number, it will not be processed.
- Submit Orders/Judgments through the e-portal ONLY if they are agreed upon. If objections have been made to an Order/Judgment, each party should submit their own Order/Judgment directly to the Judge’s office and not through the portal. The cover letter to the Order/Judgment must reflect that the other side has received a copy of said order. Opposing must submit their specific objections to the order in writing to the Judge’s office in an expedited manner or the submitted Order may be entered.