20th Judicial Circuit Pretrial Services

Pretrial Services Agencies have a variety of functions to support the court that promote pretrial justice and public safety.

Universal screening - Pretrial officers collect and verify background information for individuals arrested on criminal charges to determine risk, need and ties to the community. Information is researched through local, state and national databases, compiled and provided to the Judiciary to aid in an informed release decision. Pretrial officers also assist with screening for determination of indigence for appointment of counsel and are responsible for review of non-sentenced defendants for release or resolution of the case on a jail management docket.

Identification of Needs - Pretrial officers identify veterans and individuals with substance abuse and mental health needs, assist with linkage to community resources and make referrals to diversion and problem solving courts where appropriate.

Supervision - Pretrial officers enforce conditions during the pretrial stage for those released on pretrial supervision, encouraging court appearances and refraining from committing new law offenses, and report non-compliance to the court. Pretrial officers prepare and enforce reporting plans, ensure special conditions are completed and closely monitor cases with electronic monitoring. Pretrial officers utilize motivational interviewing techniques in order to engage defendants and help them successfully move towards positive change with confidence and increase success.

Misdemeanor Diversion - Pretrial officers provide oversight and supervision for defendants that are afforded the opportunity to enter misdemeanor diversion. The program is intended to redirect criminal justice resources to more serious crimes while providing a meaningful response to particular conduct, and are often diverted prior to arraignment thereby alleviating the need to be heard on a court docket. Non-compliance is reported to the State Attorney’s Office for further action on the case.

Please contact the Lee County Sheriff's Office at (239) 477-1500 or visit www.sheriffleefl.org

Please contact the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office at (941) 833-6300 or visit https://ccso.org/

A defendant may bond prior to First Appearance if the present charge is on the monetary bail schedule and he/she is not held for court due to being a danger to the community or flight risk. This may include whether a defendant is a violent felony offender, sexual offender, on current supervision status or has pending charges.

You can contact the arresting agency or the Lee County Jail if secured after arrest at (239) 477-1500 or visit www.sheriffleefl.org

Or the Charlotte County Jail at (941) 833-6300 or visit https://ccso.org/

You can contact the arresting agency or request a copy at the Clerk of Court or visit www.leeclerk.org or https://charlotteclerk.com/.

Once the judge orders release, the defendant will be processed at the jail and be released usually within a few hours typically after posting a monetary bond. The defendant will be afforded a phone call to arrange for transportation.

If eligible, the defendant may be released without having to post a bond. The defendant will be required to report for an orientation and regular check-ins, and abide by specified conditions that will be reviewed prior to release.

The judge may order special conditions that continue in effect until disposition of the case or until modified by a court with jurisdiction over the case. Any violation may result in arrest without bond.

The pretrial office in Lee County is located on the third floor of the Lee County Justice Center at 1700 Monroe Street, Fort Myers, FL. You may print and complete the Supervision Report and bring with you or complete in person. The main line is (239) 533-8400.

The pretrial office in Charlotte County is located on the first floor of the Charlotte County Justice Center at 350 East Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The main phone number is (941) 637-2116.

Pretrial supervision is in effect through disposition of the case(s) or until modified by a court with jurisdiction over the case.

Pretrial supervision may only be modified by a court with jurisdiction over the case. A motion may be filed with the presiding judge.

You may request modification of your reporting plan through your assigned pretrial officer. Be prepared to justify the need to modify such.

You may request a copy at the pretrial office or via email through your officer. Those contacts are on each County’s Pretrial page.

This will be at the discretion of the pretrial officer based on the circumstances provided.

You must immediately report any and all changes of address, telephone numbers, and/or change in employment to the pretrial department. You may update in person at the pretrial office, via email through your officer or by phone.

You must report to the pretrial office to request a travel permit. You must provide the purpose of the trip, method of travel, destination contact information, expected return date and any other proof requested by the pretrial officer.

You must report in person or call your pretrial officer immediately to reschedule.

You may contact the Lee County Clerk of Court at (239) 533-5000 or visit www.leeclerk.org, contact the Lee County Sheriff’s Office Warrants Division at (239) 477-1690 or visit www.sheriffleefl.org

In Charlotte County, you can contact the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office Warrants Division at (941) 639-2101 or https://ccso.org/#warrants.

You can search the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s website to see if an active arrest warrant has been entered into the Florida Crime Information Center by an agency within the State of Florida: FCIC Public Records Search Page

The State Attorney’s Office will review your case and determine if you are eligible for diversion based on criminal history and facts of the case.

Cost of supervision and prosecution must be paid in via mail, by phone or in person at one of the following locations:

The Lee County Justice Center
1700 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901

The Cape Coral Government Complex, 2nd floor
1039 SE 9th Place
Cape Coral, FL 33990


Money orders should be made payable to Lee County Clerk of Court. Payment by mail to:
Lee County Clerk of Court
PO Box 2507
Fort Myers, FL 33902-2507

Credit card payments are accepted by phone at (239) 533-5000

Note: Pursuant to Florida Statute 27.52, the $50 public defender application fee must be paid prior to all other financial obligations, where applicable.

Restitution must be made payable to the victim in the form of money order or cashier’s check and delivered directly to the pretrial office. Note the case number on each.

You can report in to the Pretrial Services office to pick up a copy or request via email under CONTACT YOUR OFFICER.

You need to appear for your court date if all diversion conditions are not met by your termination date or you are unsuccessfully terminated for any reason.

You can request a copy of your Status Report at the pretrial office. The notice of your dismissal is otherwise mailed by the State Attorney’s Office within 4-6 weeks of case termination.

More information on the Pretrial Program can be found by choosing your county below:

Lee County Pretrial Services


Ferrer, Oscar
(Este oficial habla español)
(239) 533-8447

Kanaski, Frank
(239) 533-8403

Ontek, Gabrielle
(239) 533-8440

Team Lead - Ramirez, Jessika
(Este oficial habla español)
(239) 533-8442

Rosario, Enrique
(Este oficial habla español)
(239) 533-8448

Thompson, Troy
(239) 533-8432


The Florida Corrections Accreditation program offers the opportunity to evaluate an agency's operations against standards developed by the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission and the Association of Pretrial Professionals of Florida. This process allows administrative staff to remedy deficiencies and upgrade the quality of the agency's programs and services. The benefits from such a process include:

  • Standards reinforce legislative intent
  • Increases judicial confidence through standardized accurate information for release and detention decisions
  • Increases uniformity within community supervision programs with reciprocal increase in public safety
  • Increases interagency information sharing
  • Increases integrity of criminal justice process and the agency's role
  • Potential reduction in agency liability from lawsuits
  • Allows for independent verification of business practices, which increases pretrial agency accountability
  • Standards foster education resulting in improvements for all parties (defendant, agency, public)
  • Accreditation program may foster pretrial program expansion due to increased recognition and credibility
  • Ensures policies and procedures are documented in writing and defendable

The Lee County Pretrial Services Department received initial accreditation in 2009, and was re-accredited in 2012, 2017, 2017, 2020 and 2023. After five successful re-accreditations the Lee County Criminal Division as a whole earned Excelsior status in 2023 and has maintained Excelsior Status. For more information on accreditation, please visit www.flaccreditation.org/

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Lee County Justice Center
Office 3234, 3rd Floor
1700 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901
Tel: (239) 533-9199

Pretrial Supervisor
Jeff Langevin
Tel: (239) 533-8439

Deputy Criminal Division Director
Jennifer Alvarez
Tel: (239) 533-8426


Monday to Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Note: Office closed on all court holidays.
2025 Court Holidays

Charlotte County Pretrial Services


Lead Pretrial Officer, Chris Simpson
Tel: (941) 505-4816

Specialty Court Coordinator, Paul Martineau
Tel: (941) 637-2297

Supervised Release/Diversion Officer, Diana Binns
Tel: (941) 505-4796

Supervised Release/Diversion Officer, Jason Watkins
Tel: (941) 505-4797

Pretrial Officer/Felony Case Manager, Francesca Hyser
Tel: (941) 637-2115




Charlotte County Pretrial Services
Charlotte County Justice Center, 1st floor
350 East Marion Avenue
Punta Gorda, FL 33952
Tel: (941) 637-2116


Monday to Friday: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Note: Office closed on all court holidays.
2025 Court Holidays

Hendry County Pretrial Services


Hendry County Courthouse
1st Floor Behind the Security Checkpoint
25 E. Hickpochee Ave
LaBelle, Florida 33935
Tel: (863) 675-5397


Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Note: Office closed on all court holidays.
2025 Court Holidays