Judges from District Court of Appeal Engage Students at South Fort Myers High School
Approximately 200 students from South Fort Myers High School’s Student Government Association and government classes gathered for a recent assembly led by Judge Roger Gannam of the Sixth District Court of Appeal, joined by Sixth DCA Chief Judge Dan Traver and Judge Jeffrey Kuntz of the Fourth District Court of Appeal. The event provided students with insights into the legal system, the lawmaking process, and careers in law.
Judge Gannam’s presentation provided students with an in-depth look at how Florida’s laws are created, enforced, and interpreted by the three separate branches of government.
![South Fort Myers Partipants](/images/dcafortmyersvisit.jpg)
Using the Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Law as an example, he illustrated how the legislature, executive, and judiciary work together to shape and uphold laws. Judge Gannam also introduced students to the Sixth DCA, explaining its function in Florida’s judicial system.
Chief Judge Traver and Judge Kuntz joined Judge Gannam for a lively Q&A session at the end, where students asked questions about the legal process, the judges' roles, and paths to careers in law.
Judge Gannam remarked on the students' level of engagement: "Their questions were insightful, and they provided quality legal analysis of the various problems presented."
Principal Ed Mathews and the staff at South Fort Myers High School provided a warm welcome and valuable support. "We are honored that the school would allow us this opportunity to participate in its students’ civics education,” said Judge Gannam. “Their participation reflects a real interest in understanding the judicial system."
The event also highlighted the Lee County Bar Association’s upcoming Law Week activities scheduled around the national recognition of Law Day on May 1st. Each year, a Law Day theme is set by the Supreme Court of Florida and promoted by The Florida Bar to celebrate the role of law in everyday life. The Sixth District Court of Appeal plans to return to South Fort Myers High School on May 1