The Honorable William Dorman

The Honorable William Dorman

County Judge

Division Glades County

Criminal Misdemeanor100%
Criminal Traffic100%
County Court Civil100%
Small Claims100%
Civil Infractions100%

Judicial Assistant Julie
Phone (863) 946-6031
Fax (863) 946-2917

Mailing Address
Glades County Courthouse
PO Box 579
Moore Haven, FL 33471

Circuit Civil Case Management:
Glades County Signed Circuit Civil Standing Order

Zoom Information:


All orders should be submitted through the E-portal at Orders are to be submitted no more than ten days after the hearing date. If you are submitting a proposed order or an agreed order on an upcoming court appearance or any other court ordered event, the order must be submitted for the judge’s review no later than three business days before the event is scheduled to occur. Orders received outside of this timeframe will not be considered. ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS MUST BE VIEWABLE IN THE ELECTRONIC COURT FILE: Before sending proposed orders that will require the review of online documents check the Clerk’s website to make sure that all required supporting documents are viewable online. DO NOT SEND THE PROPOSED ORDER UNTIL THE SUPPORTING DOCUMENT(S) ARE VIEWABLE ON THE CLERK’S SITE.


To ensure a quick response to your proposed Orders/Judgments in the E-Portal, make sure that each case has a complete Certificate of Service and that you have included all parties with their email addresses in the e-portal list. It is recommended that you use all email addresses, however, if you do not have an email address, include the full physical address including zip code in the Certificate of Service. For each submission, use the Case Style and Case No. as well as indicating whether it is a cover letter, order, and/or judgment.

No biography available.

Documents: Downloads
Probate Final Discharge Checklist View