The Honorable John S. Carlin
Circuit Judge
Division Lee County
Domestic Relations - "B" | 20% |
Judicial Assistant Beth
Phone (239) 533-2871
Fax (239) 485-2588
Mailing Address
Lee County Justice Center
1700 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901
Please be advised of the updated Family Law measures pending before Judge Carlin:
Email for Hearing Requests:
bnichols@ca.cjis20.org. The email should contain the case number, parties’ names, the pending motion/motions, date the motion was filed, and the length of hearing time requested. Please be advised you need to include the other party/counsel in your emails to this office.
Emergency matters will be handled on a case by case basis. Please forward a copy of any emergency motion to the Judicial Assistant.
Please see this article regarding Emergency Motions written by Honorable Lee A. Schreiber
All attorneys and pro se litigants must contact the Judge’s office by email bnichols@ca.cjis20.org to receive zoom instructions and the meeting code. Attorneys and pro se litigants will be responsible to provide the meeting code to clients, court reporters, witnesses, interpreters and all other individuals they wish to participate in the Zoom hearing. Parties and witnesses shall have available and ready to produce for the camera a photo ID.
Regular Zoom Exhibits: All attorneys and pro se litigants are required to exchange exhibits in a binder with the opposing party and shall mail all exhibits to the Court two weeks prior to the trial docket sounding/hearing. At least five business days before your trial/hearing, each counsel/party shall file with the clerk all evidence including a catalog exhibit list sought to be introduced. Each exhibit/evidence should be pre-marked for identification such as ‘Exhibit 1’ and so on. All pages shall be numbered for easy reference.
Extended Hearings (more than 1 hour) and Trial Exhibits: All attorneys and pro se litigants are required to exchange exhibits with the opposing party. At least five business days before your Docket Sounding, each counsel/party shall file with the clerk all evidence including a catalog exhibit list sought to be introduced.
If it is an agreed zoom trial/extended hearing, hard copy of exhibits in a binder shall be mailed or dropped off to the judge’s office one week prior to docket sounding. Each exhibit/evidence should be pre-marked for identification such as ‘Exhibit 1’ and so on. All pages shall be numbered for easy reference and placed in a binder.
If it is an in-person trial/extended hearing, a hard copy need not be provided to the office prior to Docket Sounding. You will need to provide two hard copy exhibit notebooks at the trial/hearing. Interpreters: Attorneys and pro se litigants are responsible to provide for necessary interpreters for either a party or witness. All interpreters must be qualified in accordance with the Florida Rules for Regulation of Spoken language Court Interpreters except as provided for in Fla. R. Jud. Admin. 2.565. In addition, all parties must comply with F.S. 90.606, Fla. R. Jud. Admin. 2.560 and 2.565, Twentieth Judicial Circuit Administrative Order No. 2.36 as well as all other applicable rules and regulations.
- Court Reporters: Parties are encouraged to confer prior to the hearing regarding the use of a court reporter. Unless otherwise advised, Zoom hearings will not be recorded by the Court and shall not be recorded by any participant. Parties who wish to have a court reporter present must provide the court reporter with the Zoom meeting code.
E-Filing through the Portal:
File documents in WORD format and update the e-portal in the case with email addresses for all parties involved. The proposed Order must include a complete Certificate of Service for each party/or their counsel with email addresses or street address (only if an email address is not available). Attachments to the Order must be attached to it. Always send a cover letter separate from the proposed Order. The cover letter must state whether the parties are agreement to the proposed Order. If the parties are not agreement, all proposed orders will need to be sent to my email.
Thank you for your understanding. We will keep you updated as additional information becomes available.
Judge Carlin received his BA from Ohio State University and his JD from Ohio State University, College of Law. Judge Carlin served as an Assistant State Attorney in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit and was in private practice prior to his successful election on September 4, 1990, as a Lee County Judge. He was honored as the 1993 Florida Judge of the Year by the Florida Law Related Education Association and he currently serves as the Chair for Law Week in Lee County.
He was re-elected in 1994 to serve a second term as a Lee County Judge. In 1996 Judge Carlin was elected without opposition to serve as a Circuit Court Judge in the Twentieth Judicial Circuit. He was re-elected in 2002, 2008 and 2014 without opposition to serve as a Circuit Court Judge. He is married and has two children.
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